Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church

September 2, 2012


“What really matters is what happens in us, not to us.”

                                                                            -  James Kennedy


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                                “St. Crispin”                                             H. Willah


Greeting and Welcome


*Call to Worship:

One: God is at work.

All: Light pierces the darkness.

One: Love calms fear.

All: Joy tickles sadness.

One: Hope lifts up despair.

All: Peace disarms anger.

One: Kindness dances around hostility.

All: Music sings away troubles.

One: God is at work!

All: Rejoice!


*Hymn                                          “The Lily of the Valley” (TFWS)                          #2062


*Opening Prayer

Come, Lord Jesus, open us to the wonder of your amazing grace; show us the

fullness of your salvation, grant us the peace that passes all understanding.

We place ourselves in your care and yield our lives to your touch. Speak to

us today in word and silence. In Your name, amen.


*Passing the Peace


Sharing Our Joys and Concerns

Prayer Hymn                                                      “Seek Ye First”                                                #405

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy

will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive

us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the

glory forever.  Amen.


Scripture                                        Song of Solomon 2:8-13

Children’s Sermon


Scripture                                                  James 1                             

Sermon                                                                                               Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Communion Hymn                             “You Satisfy the Hungry Heart”                                          #629


Sharing the Lord’s Supper


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                                   “Choral”                                                             F. Peeters


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures here below.

Praise God above, ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

*Offering Prayer

We offer our gifts and ourselves to you, the perfect One, who calls us and all creation

to wholeness and completeness. May our offerings and our lives be part of your

great plan. Amen.           


*Hymn                                     “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”                                      #557


*Final Chorus                       “Standing on the Promises” (refrain only)                      #374


Postlude                                               “Prelude in F”                                                J.S. Bach


Please keep these folks in your prayers…

 Jeremy Brewer’s family for their loss of their grandmother, Catherine Coaker.
Kristen & Dave , Ginnie’s granddaughter and Sue‘s god-daughter, for the loss of their baby

Ann, Viehland’s caretaker, who has developed an infection and was hospitalized

Prayers for Nick & Kim Slobonyak, Haiti, Cuba, US South and those in the path of the storm

 Bob Holscher- prostate cancer, Jean Smith- colon cancer Elaine- medical concerns

Kathy and her family as her 19 yrs old son, John, died in an accident

Joe Weimer (friend of Kerri Whitfield’s)- heart surgery

Gary Burdick - the loss of his dog


Ongoing Concerns…

Shirly (Mary Kilgour’s sister)- breast cancer; Dawn (Barb Thaw’s friend)- health concerns; Alice Wetzel; 

Dixie Arndt (Cancer);  Bill; Ella Mae (Parkinson’s disease);  Paul Gaviglia(lung cancer);  Melissa Morris; 

Julius Gibson (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma); Tracy (leg injury);  Jack Winkopp;  Babies Luke and Kyler (cardiac defects); 

Sharon Coyn (leg issues);  Harriet Fuller;  Tina Whitehead (work for human dignity); 

Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel; Buck Cunningham;  Our Military and their families; 

Ed White; Rev. Austin Hornyak; Norma Wood;  Liz Kilkenny;  Karen Hartz


Alice Wetzel, Betty Willey, Vivian Behm, Margaret Craig, Marge Schillinger, Lynn Kittner,           

 Mary Gardner, Stephen Koesel