June 14, 2020


Announcements and Check-In


Opening of Worship                                                                              


Call to Worship

One: Creating God, we gather in your name to worship you.

We give thanks that there is a small spark of God within us.
All: Kindle that small spark into a flame of love and service.

One:  Sustaining God, we gather in your name to worship you.

We celebrate the loving presence of God in our life.
All:  May God’s loving presence be a strong influence in our life.

One:  Nurturing God, we gather in your name to worship you.

We rejoice that God teaches us about love and forgiveness.
All:  As we grow in faith, trust and love for God, may our worship, witness and

service bring honor to God’s Holy Name. Amen.


Hymn                                                 “Be Thou My Vision”            



Ever-present God,

You call us on a journey to a place we do not know.

We are not where we started.

We have not reached our destination.

We are not sure where we are or who we are.

This is not a comfortable place.

Be among us, we pray.

Calm our fears, save us from discouragement, and help us to stay the course.

Open our hearts to your guidance so that our journey to this unknown place continues as a journey of trust.  Amen.


Scripture                                            Psalm 139

Matthew 14:22-33


Message                                      Dance on the WAVES                         Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Prayer Song                                  Dancing on the Waves


I'm standing at your door. My heart is calling yours. Come fall into my arms.
You're weary from it all. Been running for too long. I'm here to bring you home.


I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down.
I dare you to believe how much I love you now.
Don't be afraid, I am your strength.
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves.


Look up and lift your eyes. The future's open wide. I have great plans for you.
Your past is dead and gone. Your healing has begun. I'm making all things new.


I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you now.
Don't be afraid, I am your strength.
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves.


I set every star into place, so you would remember my name. I made it all for you.
You are my masterpiece, you are the reason I sing. This is my song for you.

I'm reaching out, I'll chase you down
I dare you to believe how much I love you, oh, I love you
Don't be afraid, know that I am your strength
We'll be walking on the water, dancing on the waves


Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer


Invitation to Give


Doxology for Peace

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God all creatures here below.

Praise God above the heavenly host.

Praise father, son, and holy ghost.  Amen.


Order of Farewell

Pastor Kelly:  I thank you, the members and friends of this church, for the love and support you have shown me while I have ministered among you.

I am grateful for the ways my leadership has been accepted.
I ask forgiveness for the mistakes I have made.
As I leave, I carry with me all that I have learned here.

People:  We receive your thankfulness, offer forgiveness, and accept that you now leave to minister elsewhere.
We express our gratitude for your time among us.
We ask your forgiveness for our mistakes.
Your influence on our faith and faithfulness will not leave with your departure.

PK:  I accept your gratitude and forgiveness, and I forgive you, trusting that our time together and our parting are pleasing to God.
I release you from turning to me and depending on me.
I encourage your continuing ministry here and will pray for you and for Pastor Russel.

Let us pray.

Eternal God, whose steadfast love for us is from everlasting to everlasting,
we give you thanks for cherished memories
and commend one another into your care as we move in new directions.
Keep us one in your love forever, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Closing Hymn            God Be With You ‘Till We Meet Again”






June Mission Opportunity

JEREMIAH’S PLACE, Pittsburgh’s only crisis nursery,
provides emergency care for children ages 0-6 for a few hours or a few days based on the needs of the family. Our primary focus at Jeremiah’s place is to keep children safe and to provide a safe and supportive solution for families in need. Jeremiah’s Place is conveniently located in the East Liberty section of Pittsburgh and is staffed by trauma informed caregivers and socials workers. All services provided by Jeremiah’s Place are free, available 24 hours a day, and most importantly, judgment free.

To support this mission opportunity, make your check payable to MAUMC and write “June Mission” in the memo line or on your envelope and mail to the church office.
You may also make your donation with PayPal, put Jeremiah's Place in instructions. 
You can also visit their website to make a donation directly to them.

Every Sunday Morning at 11:15 AM


Meeting ID: 503 573 596

Password: 337851

From Your Phone (312)626-6799