ZOOM Worship




Prelude                                                Living for Jesus                                         TFWS #2149


Opening of Worship


Opening Prayer

O, God, in mystery and silence you are present in our lives, bringing new life out of destruction, hope out of despair, growth out of difficulty.

We thank you that you do not leave us alone but labor to make us whole.

Help us to perceive your unseen hand in the unfolding of our lives, and to attend to

Gentle guidance of your Spirit, that we may know the joy you give your people.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Message                                      The Story of Ruth                                     Pastor Kelly

                                                                                                                                     David Spencer

                                                                                                                                     Barbara Thaw

                                                                                                                                    Cathleen Perry

                                                                                                                                      Kim Viehland

Unison Prayer

In you, O God, every family on earth receives its name.

Illumine the homes of this earth with the light of your love,

            Granting courage to those who are hurt or lonely,

            Endurance to those who care for sick family members,

            And wisdom to those in fearful times of change.

We thank you for gifts of love we have received from mother, father, spouse, child or companion.

As we have been loved by you and by others, so may we love.

Grant us your peace, through Jesus Christ.


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer


Invitation to Give and Prayer



May Mission Opportunity



Bethlehem Haven’s mission is to provide a continuum of care for women who are experiencing homelessness that leads to self-sufficiency and ends homelessness through collaboration with the community and the people we serve.       

            To make a donation to Bethlehem Haven, write MAY MISSION or BETHLEHEM HAVEN on your check or in the PayPal memo line.

Their Services Include


Every Sunday Morning at 11:15 AM


Meeting ID: 503 573 596

Password: 337851

From Your Phone (312)626-6799





*If you have a prayer concern, be sure to send them to Pastor Kelly or the church office so they can be included on our prayer list.






Our goal is to be a welcoming and inclusive

church for all people.


May 10, 2020





905 Mifflin Avenue


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

