ZOOM Worship


Welcome and Announcements




Opening of Worship


Opening Prayer

Risen Christ

walk with us this today,

be our companion and guide,

be our teacher and friend,

be our host and servant,

bringing your gifts of faith, peace and hope and deep joy as always



Scripture                                                  Luke 24:13-35


Song                                     “Open My Eyes, That I May See”                          UMH #454


Reflection                        Encountering God in the Ordinary


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer


Invitation to Offering and Prayer








May Mission Opportunity



Bethlehem Haven’s mission is to provide a continuum of care for women who are experiencing homelessness that leads to self-sufficiency and ends homelessness through collaboration with the community and the people we serve.   

            Each year, the Haven provides nearly 60,000 meals; sees around 600 men and women in its health and wellness clinic; fills countless physical and emotional needs for its residents and day program attendees; and provides employment training for more than 100 men and women in the community.

            To make a donation to Bethlehem Haven, write MAY MISSION or BETHLEHEM HAVEN on your check or in the PayPal memo line.

Their Services Include


Every Sunday Morning at 11:15 AM


Meeting ID: 503 573 596

Password: 337851

From Your Phone (312)626-6799

Meeting ID: 503 573 596






May 3 – Brenda Spencer

May 4 – Jim Herbert

May 5 – Gail Gratton



Our goal is to be a welcoming and inclusive

church for all people.


May 3, 2020





905 Mifflin Avenue


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

