April 12, 2020



Leader:          This Easter is different.  Even so…

People:         Christ is risen!

Leader:          We are still behind closed doors.  Even so…

People:         Christ is risen!

Leader:          We long to be together.  Even so…

People:         Christ is risen!

Leader:          Fear grips us.  Even so…

People:         Christ is risen!

Leader:          Hope feels a long way off.  Even so...

People:         Christ is risen!

Leader:          Christ is risen, indeed!  Hallelujah,

People:         Christ Is Risen!


The Prophecy                                                                                       Jeremiah 31:1-6


Leader:  The Lord proclaims:  “I have loved you with a love that lasts forever.  I have continued my faithfulness to you.” 

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we are trampled down, again God will build us up.

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we are fearful, again we will sing and dance for joy.

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we worry about having enough, again there will be plenty.

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we are apart, again we will gather in the house of the Lord.

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we grieve, again we will find hope.

People:  So we rejoice!

Leader:  Though we know illness and death, again we will live.

People:  So we rejoice!


Hymn                                       This Easter Celebration”


The Resurrection                                                                                     John 20:1-18


Visual Illustration                    What Hasn’t Changed


*Opening Prayer

 O God of all our days and nights, You tell us that you love us with an everlasting love. 

When the days of isolation pile up and the nights are full of grief, unlock hope within our hearts. 

When we feel closed in by fear, speak peace to our fretful souls,

that we might rejoice in the presence of your Son.

Teach us proclaim, “We have seen the Risen Lord!” and share with others your peace and joy.  Amen.


Message                                             Hope Unlocked                                        Pastor Kelly


Prayer Hymn                               “Because He Lives”                                                     #364


Prayers of the People / Lord’s Prayer

After each silent moment, the leader may prompt “Lord in your mercy…”

and the congregation respond, receive our prayers.


Giving Thanks and Offering Prayer

God of resurrection hope, though we are tempted to hold back for ourselves, you call us to be generous people. 

By your grace, may we be released from fear and give joyfully to others. 

Bless the gifts we offer, that they and we may bring peace to an anxious world. 

In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray.  Amen.


Visual Illustration                           He Is Risen




To Give/Donate via PayPal:



www.mifflinave.org                 412-731-2511

Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

Pastor@mifflinave.org                 214-202-9291


Everyone is welcome-

no matter who you are,

where you come from,

or why you are here.